My Story
I became a mother in 2006 when I conceived my first baby, my daughter Amber. I had a very positive pregnancy and when looking for some information on birthing I came across The Gentle Birthing Method by Dr Gowri Motha.
As well as offering advice on nutrition and exercise, it involved some mental preparation in the form of a self hypnosis CD which I listened to everyday for three months. I kept an open mind regarding pain relief but found on the day that I didn’t need it at all. In fact I didn’t even realise I was in labour for most of it and I was amazed at how my body just knew what to do - it completely took over. As well as having an empowering and positive experience I found myself with a new- found respect for my body. I physically recovered very quickly and easily bonded with Amber.
Her birth sparked my passion for helping families to have positive birthing and early parenting experiences. I knew quite soon after that I wanted to share this with other couples in a practical way. So after moving to the U.A.E in 2008, I trained as a Doula and I then went on to qualify as a HypnoBirthing® Practitioner in 2009. At this time I was pregnant with my son Indiana so I was able to try out everything I had learnt. His birth was very calm and beautiful, and again I was amazed at how nature has it all worked out.

Many years later I still love teaching HypnoBirthing and have taught over 300 couples. I love the way that it enhances womens natural birthing instincts and gives them the confidence to birth their babies the way nature intended, safely, calmly, joyfully and without fear. For me, becoming a mother was by far the most amazing and most challenging thing I have ever done.
I believe that this wondrous time in a woman’s life should be respected, embraced and supported, After all, it's not just the birth of a baby, it's also the birth of a mother.
Although my births were very positive, I still found becoming a mother overwhelming at times. I felt lost, confused and very frustrated and I desperately wanted to retain some control over what was happening. I often looked to books by 'experts' to help me do this but found that I gradually became over-reliant on these books and found it harder to listen to and trust my natural instincts. One of my deepest regrets was not listening to my baby. She was always trying to tell me something but I thought the 'experts' knew best. They didn't.

When I see new mothers today I can clearly remember the magnitude of those feelings. Babies don't sleep like we do, they often cry and sometimes we don't know how to help them. On top of that, many of us live away from our families and we lack support and understanding at a time when we need it the most. Whilst looking for a way to help new parents I came across BabyCalmâ„¢. This is a wonderful approach that helps empower new parents to confidently enjoy the first few months with their newborn baby. BabyCalmâ„¢ classes and workshops are a great way to help mothers have trust in their natural mothering instincts and it provides vital support for mothers in our community. I qualified as a BabyCalmâ„¢ Teacher in 2012 and also as a ToddlerCalmâ„¢ Teacher in 2013. ToddlerCalm for me was a huge revelation - a complete eye opener as to what goes on in those toddler brains. Toddlers are very misunderstood in our western society and I can honestly say that it has changed my life for the better. If it wasn't for ToddlerCalm my relationship with my son would be very different today.
When it comes to birthin​g and parenting it's often easy to lose our way. We can be so overwhelmed with information and advice that we can't hear our inner voices and we lose touch with our natural instincts. We can often lose confidence in our abilities and fall back on parenting styles that don't truly reflect the parents we want and hoped to be.
Through all of my classes, my aim is to guide parents to find their own pathway through birth and early parenthood... to provide stepping stones along this path and to help make their journeys more calm, joyful and fulfilling.
I have also qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and enjoy adding my new skills to all my classes. Im also very excited to be working with fertility and helping couples to conceive.
I would be honoured if you would like to share some of your journey with me and would love to hear from you, so do please get in touch.
Jasmine x