In the Media
Both of us have appeared in the local media and we can be often found around Dubai giving free talks and organising events. If you would like to speak with us please get in touch using the contact form - we would love to hear from you!
Here are some of our interviews and articles
Hypnobirthing helps ease fear of pain for expectant mothers
Jasmine used the HypnoBirthing method during the birth of her second child last December. "I have a new-found respect for my body," she says of the technique: "We don't teach you anything your body doesn't know already. We eliminate fears and anxiety you may have around the birth and give you confidence in your own abilities."
HypnoBirthing® – What Exactly Is It Mamas?!
HypnoBirthing is a tried and proven method that guides and prepares women to enjoy a satisfying, relaxing, and stress-free birthing experience. It teaches expecting couples, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a positive manner helping them to remain calm and relaxed whatever path their birthing takes.
Baby massage in Dubai
The benefits of baby massage are said to include easing tummy and teething pains, calming and soothing fussy babies, helping to soothe little ones to sleep, and strengthening the bond between parent and child. With a newborn in the house that has settled into a pattern of fussiness every evening between seven and 10pm.
SnapSights chats to Parenting Educator Amy Vogelaar
With recent reports suggesting that the UAE offers amongst the shortest maternity leave in the world, how do we prepare ourselves to go back to work so quickly after having a baby? SnapSights sat down with parenting educator Amy Vogelaar to get some practical tips.
What To Do If Your Toddler Bites
Biting is common toddler behaviour mamas! Which unfortunately doesn’t make it any lessdistressing. We tend to worry that we’re raising a monster when our child bites, and it embarrasses usand makes us feel helpless. In reality, biting in toddlers is simply a way to communicate.
ToddlerCalm – Parenting Tactics That Actually Work Mamas!
Mamas, ever feel like there’s just a little too much yelling going on in the house for your liking (and I don’t mean from the kids)? I suddenly found myself unable to deal with my 4 year old’s mood swings, tantrums and objections to the smallest detail from whether his toast was cut the right way to if he was the first to get into the car and was resorting to shouting.
It Takes a Village
by Faye Bartle
As the African proverb states, it takes a village to raise a child – and you’ve got an army of women living in that village with you. Being away from our families in the fast-paced UAE means we rely even more on the network of amazing women we know, and sometimes we need to stop, look around and say thanks. Faye Bartle rounds up the troops… (including Amy Vogelaar)
Lactation Consultant Amy Vogelaar tells you what you can gain from taking a breastfeeding class before baby arrives. For Sassy Mama Dubai
Parenting expert Amy Vogelaar shares her tips for a good night's sleep.
Why Boredom Is Good for your Children by Angela Boshoff Hundal
"To answer this, parenting educator and co-founder of Love Parenting UAE Amy Vogelaar, who is a licensed ToddlerCalm consultant, quotes the late American children’s-education icon Fred Rogers: “While play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning, play is serious learning. It’s how kids interact with and learn about their world.”
Your Ultimate Guide to Having a Baby in Dubai
You’re having a baby – congratulations! We’ve quizzed Dubai’s top birthing and baby experts on everything from labour to helping baby sleep, so you’ll be looking after your little one like a pro in no time (both Jasmine Collin and Amy Vogelaar interviewed here)
Hypnobirthing: Not just for Hippies
“What the hell is hypnobirthing?” was my initial reaction when Lauren suggested we do a five week hypnobirthing antenatal class with Jasmine Collin.
That Mama - Jasmine Collin
This month’s That Mama is Jasmine Collin, child development extraordinaire and one of the leading advocates of the BabyCalm and ToddlerCalm methods here in Dubai.Jasmine is your go-to mama when it comes to learning how to communicate best with your little people or if you’re thinking about trying HypnoBirthing (her regular courses are a huge hit).
The Mother Switch: How your Hormones turn You into Super Mum
"“Research on breastfeeding and on mother-infant bonding shows that the early hours and days are crucial. Immediate and ongoing skin-to-skin and breastfeeding can help ensure adequate milk supply for the next six months and beyond and can also help mothers and babies get to know one another and form the initial bond that will last a lifetime,” says Amy Vogelaar, a licensed childbirth and parenting educator and co-founder of Love Parenting UAE (www.loveparentinguae.com).
How Childbirth is Giving Women Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
"Standing in the delivery room where she would be giving birth to her second child, Gabriela Pezo felt a familiar sense of dread start to take over her body, causing her to hyperventilate. With her hypnotherapist, Jasmine Collin of Love Parenting UAE, at her side for support, she managed to breathe through the panic and let go some of the fear attached to being in a hospital."
Top Things parents of Smart Children Do in the first 4 years.
"Baby signing is the use of simple gestures - or signs - in conjunction with speech to enable young children to communicate what they may need or want before they are able to utter their first words," says Katie McLean, owner of Little Signers Club Dubai (and now a member of the Love Parenting UAE team)
Where to Find Breastfeeding Support in the UAE
"Taking breastfeeding classes in the third trimester can help you get off to the best start from the first feed, which should happen within 30-60 minutes of the birth. Amy Vogelaar’s three-hour Breastfeeding Basics workshop"
Ten Things I wish I knew before I had my little one
"I cannot give thanks enough to Amy Vogelaar from Love Parenting UAE. The course is just one morning, but we learned so much from it – what to expect in the first day, second day, third day, and onwards. Things like – to push back if the nurse suggests to bottle feed your baby in the hospital, that your milk only comes in on the third or fourth day, that it may seem like your baby is not full in the first few days but her tummy is only so small and the sucking is only to stimulate the milk to come in later on, that breastmilk is all they need in the first 6-months. I emailed her during the first few days as well when things that I just did not understand was happening to my body. She was amazing and responded so quickly. Thanks a lot Amy"
Reinventing Labour: Alternative Birth in the UAE
Jasmine, who is also a hypnotherapist and co-founder of Love Parenting UAE (www.loveparentinguae.com), says that while most clients choose hypnobirthing because they want a more calm and natural birth with low or no medical interventions or drugs, it’s also ideal for any couple looking for knowledge and tools to help them enjoy their pregnancies and to have a positive birthing experience, no matter what path their birthing takes.
New Mums: Why Staying in is the New Going Out
If you’d rather sit at home in your pyjamas than dash across town for a playdate, or you dream of politely telling your in-laws to back off when it comes to their ‘well-meaning’ parenting advice, it’s time to let go of the guilt and stand up for your new-mum rights (with Amy Vogelaar)
Three Baby Massage Classes to Try
The parenting gurus at Love Parenting have a five-week baby massage course starting on September 8 at Horizon Kids Nursery. Combining International Association of Infant Massage and BabyCalm approaches, the course will cover full-body baby massage and gentle yoga-based movements.
What's the Best Way to Introduce Solids to your Baby
As parents, however, knowing when to start weaning (and how exactly we should be doing it) can be daunting. So we’ve approached two Dubai-based experts for advice; Dru Campbell, head midwife at Healthbay Polyclinic and Amy Vogelaar, antenatal and parenting educator at Love Parenting UAE.
Is Co-Sleeping Safe for your Baby?
Co-sleeping - when mom and pop let kids sleep with them - is a night-time arrangement that has sparked much debate in parenting circles: it has many followers, some detractors and a few analysts. With their help, we decided to put the matter to rest once and for all
The Working Mum's Survival Guide
If you want to keep breastfeeding after you’ve gone back to work, it’s helpful to have a supply of frozen breast milk to hand, Amy Vogelaar, Dubai-based childbirth and breastfeeding educator and counsellor advises. “Start pumping and storing milk at least a month before your first day and offer a bottle of expressed milk to your baby every day from when he or she is a month old or as soon as possible so that they can get familiar with the bottle.”
How Do You Discipline your Toddler?:
"There are tons of gentle parenting, conscious parenting and mindful parenting books and blogs around these days. I joined Amy Vogelaar, a parenting educator, for her ToddleCalm workshop, which gives a great insight in to how the toddler brain develops, and tips on how to deal with certain situations. She provides a good amount of literature and useful links to help you on your way."
Time Out Dubai Kids Awards 2015
Special Recognition for Pre and Post Natal Care
Andrea Guy - Out of the Blues
Baby Café - Coopers Health Clinic
Cecile de Scally - Baby Senses
Dru Campbell - JustKidding in association with Health Bay Polyclinic
Elaine Luck & Catherine Williams - BuggEfit at Pure Fitness
Jasmine Collin & Amy Vogelaar - Love Parenting UAE
Elizabeth Bain & Julie Mallon - Dubai Doulas
Time Out Dubai Kids Awards 2016
Special Recognition for Pre and Post Natal Care
Amy Vogelaar & Jasmine Collin - Love Parenting UAE
Andrea Guy & Louise Hickman - Out of the Blues
Baby Café - Coopers Health Clinic
Cecile de Scally - Baby Senses
Dru Campbell - JustKidding in association with Health Bay Polyclinic
Elaine Luck & Catherine Williams - BuggEfit at Pure Fitness
Elizabeth Bain & Julie Mallon - Dubai Doulas & Nurture to Sleep
Emma White - Bactive
Joanne Hanson-Halliwell - Small and Mighty Babies