Baby Massage Testimonials
“I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of bonding with my baby through massage, meeting other mums and babies and sharing the joys, ups and downs of motherhood. Thank you so, so much, I really appreciated and enjoyed it!”
“I just wanted to thank you again for a fabulous baby massage course. In the end, the massage was almost secondary as I really enjoyed the discussions and sharing of ideas and experiences.”
“I liked the atmosphere--very friendly and relaxed (great for a new mum still figuring it all out!) plus also very well organized. The instructor helped me feel comfortable in the class by not minding when the babies cried and being very friendly.”
“My baby was a bit older than the others and he is a wiggler! He enjoys back massage and I valued knowing that I can do the massage with baby in different positions. “
“Infant massage has transformed post bath time to a pleasant experience instead of a crying fit.”
“I most liked sharing experiences with other mums, and just taking the time to sit down, relax and give a massage. It was easy to talk about anything and ok to ask any questions we had.”
“I really enjoyed the social aspect and relaxed atmosphere. I learned that I need to find the right time to massage my baby or he doesn’t enjoy (and then I don’t).”
“What I liked best was connecting with other mums and finding a solution to my baby’s gas issues! I learnt to be more patient with my baby and to go with the flow more.”
“I have a baby massage book but I found it great to see in person how to do the strokes. Also, speaking to other mums was great. My baby loves to be touched! It really calms her down.”
“Both of my twins now get calmer when they are undressed and they see the oil bottle. They know what is coming!”

“The more we did the massage, the more my baby got used to it and liked it. If I hadn’t been in the course each week I might have just given up, thinking she didn’t like to be massaged.
“Amy is so warm and non-judgmental. I have met other midwives who can force their opinions but Amy was totally the opposite. I liked that everyone had a chance to participate and something to contribute.”
“I learned that my baby has opinions about how and where she likes to be touched. I feel I got to know her a little better.”
“I liked the calm atmosphere, the very genuine teacher who believes in what she is teaching and has practical experience, i.e. is a mum!”
When I fell pregnant one of my fears was 'is there enough support'. Classes, like yours, are invaluable and I really appreciate the care and attention you gave to me and {my baby} and all the other mums. I've learnt a lot more about {my daughter} and her about me as a result which I love. I'm already looking forward to the baby-led weaning class in September.